
Manage Customer Attributes

From the start Magento has included the ability to modify product attributes through an interface in the administration panel. With Enterprise Edition 1.9, you can now manage customer attributes through a similar interface. This article will show you how to use this interface, as well as show you what this interface can and can't do. The most useful feature that this interface provides is the ability to create brand new customer attributes and then define where in the site these attributes should be shown. Read more →

(Re)sending Magento order emails

I recently had a need to resend Magento order confirmation emails for orders placed within a particular time period. Magento provides an interface for resending these emails out of the box (navigate to Sales → Orders → Order and click 'Send Email' up in the top right), but this takes 15-20 seconds per order at best. If you have more than a few of these order emails to resend, this approach will quickly become tedious. Read more →