Displaying Magento custom product attributes on the frontend

The simplest way to display custom attributes is to enable them on product view pages, where they normally show up as a table. Design files can be edited to display custom product attributes elsewhere on the product view page. When a Magento product object gets loaded in a template file, any custom attributes that have been added to products are also accessible. The method used to retrieve the values depends on the type of attribute. Read more →

Common Magento theming issues

Breadcrumbs and page titles Removing the breadcrumbs block should not be very difficult since it is just one line in the /layout/page.xml file. However, if you were to remove breadcrumbs by changing the /layout/page.xml file it will adversely affect page titles, which may not be what you expect. The underlying issue is related to Magento's built-in flexibility that allows breadcrumbs to be used with page titles. The breadcrumbs block needs to be part of the page in order for page titles to be processed correctly. Read more →

Australia Day Extension Release

In addition to the feed generators, there are some incremental improvements to the rest of the extension, most notably in the BPAY and direct deposit functionality, which now have their own order statuses to help administrators determine at a glance which payment method was used to place an order. We hope these changes will continue to provide Australian online retailers with commonly desired functionality for running a Magento website in Australia. Read more →

Using jQuery with Magento

Installing jQuery jQuery can be downloaded from jquery.com and to install it you need to copy the file to the following directory: skin/frontend/default/your_theme/js To include jQuery you need to edit layout/page.xml where you need to add the following to the head block: <action method="addItem"><type>skin_js</type><name>js/jquery.js</name></action> Normally, this would be all you need to do, however because Magento also includes Prototype, there is a subtlety we need to deal with. jQuery uses '$' as shorthand for accessing the jQuery library. Read more →