While getting started with Magento some time ago, I thought it would be a good idea to write a post that started at the beginning: how to install it. Reading through the Magento forums, I get the impression that Magento users have extremely varied levels of web development and systems administration experience. That raises the question of the amount of detail to include in a post aimed at Magento newcomers, since experienced web developers will need only the important steps, whilst those new to web development will prefer more info. Here's our take on an install guide that will hopefully prove useful for both audiences.

In order to broaden the appeal of this article I have used JavaScript to make things more readable. Below are all the steps necessary to install Magento, and if you are unsure about any of the steps, just click for more details.

Installing Magento is similar to installing Drupal or Wordpress. Before we can install Magento we need to configure the environment in which it will run. In this case we'll use Ubuntu as the operating system in our examples, though the instructions are fairly similar for other Linux distributions. You will need sudo access in order to complete the steps below.

  1. Configure Ubuntu

    1. Install php5 including the following modules:
      • mhash
      • cli
      • mcrypt
      • curl
      • mysql
      • gd
    2. Install mysql
    3. Create a database for Magento
    4. Increase memory limit in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini to 64MB
    5. Increase memory limit in /etc/php5/cli/php.ini to 64MB
    6. Enable server rewrites
  2. Download Magento

    1. Follow this link to the download page
    2. Download the Full Release in your favourite format. If you are not sure which format to choose download zip.
    3. Uncompress the file
    4. Move the Magento directory to your web accessible directory
    5. Make magento/app/etc, magento/var/ and magento/media world-writable
  3. Install sample data for Magento

    (Optional - click here for details)

  4. Install Magento

    1. To install Magento load it in the browser by typing magento after server's base url.
    2. On the first page that loads accept the license agreement and click 'Continue'
    3. Enter locale information
    4. Enter database information
    5. Enter personal information
    6. Magento Installation Complete!
  5. Install extensions

    (Optional - click here for details)

  6. Keep Magento up-to-date

    Warning! Please don't perform an upgrade on your live site, you should always test the upgrade process on a copy of your live site first. Also keep backups of both the database and magento directory just in case.

    1. Run ./pear mage-setup in Magento directory (if you haven't done so in the 'Install extensions' step)
    2. Run ./pear upgrade magento-core/Mage_All_Latest in your Magento directory
    3. Clear session and cache data

I hope your installation was successful. Have fun using Magento!